
Highest THC Strains

It is true. Not all marijuana is the same. Much like anything that grows, strains can vary. When purchasing marijuana seeds it is important that you understand exactly what you are buying. With varying strengths available, you need to know about the different products so you can choose wisely.

Critical in the process is a bit of introspection. You must be aware of what you want to buy. While all cannabis in a specific strain is not identical, knowing a bit about the properties of the strain at which you are looking is important. It can provide you with a general idea of how it will impact you.

For example, if you are looking for a stronger effect, you should consider those cannabis strains that have the highest levels of THC. For those that may be unaware, THC stands for Tetrahydrocannabinol which is the primary psychoactive compound found in marijuana. In fact, it is the presence of THC that provides the feelings for which many are looking.

As you may have realized, marijuana today is much stronger than in the past. Commercial strain’s THC content averages between 10% and 15%. Some high-content seeds average between 25% and 27%, with some even reaching 30% or more. And, the variety of high-content THC available is considerable. Even within different strains, there are a significant number of options.

The benefits of high THC strains of marijuana are varied. While some can leave you feeling calm and relaxed others have a greater psychedelic effect. Aside from recreation, high-level THC is used for a broad range of medicinal reasons. It can ease nausea and other chemotherapy side effects and relieve the symptom of a host of serious illnesses including, but not limited to, multiple sclerosis and diabetes.

At Gelato Seeds, we are proud of our inventory which includes superior quality highest THC strains. You will not be disappointed with your purchase. We supply 14 different seed options, includingGodfather OG 34%, Oreoz 33%, Future #1 37%, Fat Bastard 38%, Slurricane 30%, just to name a few. Each has unique properties including its aroma and flowering time. Our site shares a complete description including its composition, THC percentage, and yield.

Knowledge is power, you should always be aware of what you purchase. Our inventory is extensive and our knowledgable staff is available to answer your questions.

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